Thursday, December 31, 2009

Blue Moon

Today there will be a Blue Moon, but I probably won't get to see it. Dense cloud cover in Middle Tennessee will obscure the event. But I'll know it's happening all the same. That's what's great about things that are sure, guaranteed. They keeping on happening, faithfully, even when I can't see them with my eyes. That's what I love about walking with Jesus. While adventures course all around, there are quiet, sure, calculated things that keep happening whether I see them or not. Maybe in 2010, my own dense cloud cover will lift a little more, and I'll see more clearly.

What I hope is not a Blue Moon event is my posting here. Call it a resolution, a goal, syntax therapy--I don't care what it's labeled. I've let far too much time slip away without documenting. So I'll see where this ride takes me.

Blessings for 2010.