Tuesday, January 5, 2010

The 2010 Purge

The Fraziers are in purge mode. Yesterday, I posted on Facebook about donating Michael's circa 80s silk jacket to Goodwill, and it caused a storm of comments that I usually only see when I post about food. I run with an interesting virtual crowd to say the least.

When it comes to purging clothes, I'm pretty good. The items I struggle with have sentimental value--like the t-shirt I got when I attend "College Day" at Lee. Or the Noah's Ark vest that my sister gave me and that one ridiculously small black skirt that I keep telling myself that I will be able to get back into one day. Just so you know, I kept the skirt.

Michael holds on a bit longer thus the silk jacket and a couple of suits that he hadn't worn in 14 years. I really see clothes these days--based on style and quality--as a disposable commodity. Of course, I'm not a fashionista either. My basic wardrobe consists of several pairs of black slacks and a variety of tops to really mix it up. I realized yesterday while cleaning the closet that Michael and I have almost exactly the same number of shoes. Is that typical? I don't think so.

We aren't really hoarders, but it has been interesting to note the things we have kept. It seems we're suckers for chargers and all things cable and cord. We also keep manuals and instructions. I found the manual for the first cell phone I ever had from '98ish. And I found I could track the kids' Christmas presents because for some strange reason I have kept the paperwork that came with the Fisher Price Pirate's Island and Shark Boat, not to mention the Fisher Price color changing flashlight, grill and Lego instructions. It was a funny and telling moment. The sad thing is I had already started a pile of cards and instructions for the things we got this year for Christmas--including the tags that came on the Crocs--I kid you not. You will be glad to know they (the Croc paperwork) is now in the trash. We also keep maps. I think we could track every camping/hiking trip we've ever been on. Wierd, I know. Those have been set aside for their own special purge session. You never know when state parks won't be providing those handy trail guides.

So the whole house is on notice. If it's not nailed down, its reason for being in our house is being questioned. This process will probably take several months because we do have other things to do. When I find something else that is not too embarrassing I'll be sure to share. Maybe.